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Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Syllabus * Study Program: All Programs Study * Subjects Code: 209 402 * Name of Teaching: Development Educate Participants * Credits: 2 (two) * Semester: II (two) * E-mail : * Blog : Tjipto Subadi Blogspot * Contact Person : 0816652241 * Teaching Pre Conditions : Education Platform

Description of Subjects: Teachers in carrying out tasks for the learning process aimed at learners master the material taught in both the cognitive, affective and psychomotor To achieve these objectives to the maximum, teachers must understand who the good learners from the aspect of biological, psychological, social, emotional, and status of learners in the learning process took place. So the development of courses to give students the importance of teacher competence kakikat pesrta learners understand the fundamental and widespread both at the level of Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Elementary (SD), middle schools (SMP), High School (SMA). Thus, courses, development of learners, standardized as compulsory subjects for each Study Program FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The material of this course include: 1. Characteristics of students from each education level, which includes aspects: biological, cognitive, affective, psychomotor, social, emotional, moral, and language. 2. Implementation of the nature of learners in the learning process, and guidance in schools. Standard Competencies: Understanding, the nature of good learners, the level of Early Childhood Education (ECD), elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and implementation in the learning process and guidance in schools. Teching Week I. 1. Lecture Contract 2. Subjects Orientation, Development Educate Participants 3. Lecture System 4. Evaluation System. Teching Week II. 1. The nature of learners 2. The nature of learners in the view of anthropology. 3. The nature of learners in the view of islam 4. The position of learners in the learning process Teching Week III. Deepen 1. The nature of learners. 2. The nature of learners in the view of anthropology. 3. The nature of learners in the view of Islam. 4. The position of learners in the learning process Teching Week IV. 1. The nature of growth and development of children 2. Factors that affect growth and development of children 3. The laws of growth and development of children Teching Week V. Deepen 1. The nature of growth and development of children 2. Factors affecting the growth of children 3. The laws of growth and development of children Teching Week VI. 1. Characteristics of early childhood (AUD). 2. Early childhood development (AUD). 3. Problem child (AUD Teching Week VII. 1. Physical Growth Children Elementary School (SD) 2. The development of intellect, feeling, Child Elementary School (SD) 3. Language development, primary school children (SD) 4. The development of social, moral, and attitude of elementary school children (SD). Teching Week VIII. Central Examination Semester (UTS) Teching Week IX. 1. Characteristics of middle school age children 2. Individual differences secondary school age children 3. Needs middle school-aged children 4. Problems middle school age children Teching Week X. deepen 1. Characteristics of middle school age children 2. Individual differences secondary school age children 3. Needs middle school-aged children 4. Problems middle school age children Teching Week XI. 1. The duties of Early Childhood development (AUD) 2. Early Childhood Learning Approach (AUD) 3. Setting Early Childhood learning environment (AUD) Teching Week XII. 1. Haracteristics od domesti Primary School age children (SD) 2. The duties of elementary school age child development (SD) 3. The way for education at primary school level (SD) Teching Week XIII. 1. Haracteristics od domesti secondary school age children 2. The duties of the development of secondary school age children 3. The way for education at secondary school level Teching Week XIV. 1. The basic concept of guidance in schools. 2. The function and purpose of guidance in schools. 3. Various kinds of guidance in schools. 4. Basic principles of school guidance 5. Step-by-step guidance. 6. The participation of teachers in student counseling services in schools Teching Week XIV. deepen 1. The basic concept of guidance in schools. 2. The function and purpose of guidance in schools. 3. Various kinds of guidance in schools. 4. Basic principles of school guidance 5. Step-by-step guidance. 6. The participation of teachers in student counseling services at school. Teching Week XIV. Semester Final Exams DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Kartini Kartono, 1999. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak, Bandung: bandar Maju 2. Mulyani Sumantri, Nana Syaodih, 2006. Perkembangan Peserta Didik, Jakarta: UT. 3. Hendriati Agustin. 2006, Psikologi Perkembangan, Bandung: Aditama 4. Monk Knoers, Siti Rahayu H. 1998, Psikologi Perkembangan, Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada. 5. Reni Akbar H. 2001, Psikologi Perlkembangan Anak,Jakarta: Grafin 6. Aliah B. Purwaka-nia Hasan. 2006, Psikologi Perkembangan Islam, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada 7. Prayitno, Erman Amti, 2004, Dasar-Dasar Bimbingan dan Konseling, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

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  1. saya sudah mengcopy dan membaca materi kurikulum diferensiasi dari blok bapak tjipto
    Nama:Happy try haryawati simarmata

  2. Nama : NIA SAPUTRI
    NIM : A310120068
    Kelas: 2E,
    Angkatan 2012
    saya sudah mengcopy dan membaca materi kurikulum diferensiasi dari blok bapak tjipto.
